
Body Temperature Measuring – General

Nursing Equipments:
  1. Thermometer: glass; electronic and disposable protective sheath; disposable (chemical); tympanic.
  2. Lubricant (rectal, glass thermometer)
  3. Two pairs of nonsterile gloves
  4. Tissues

Nursing Action:
  1. Review medical record for baseline data and factors that influence vital signs
  2. Explain to the patient that vital signs will be assessed and encourage them to remain still and refrain from drinking, eating, or smoking
  3. Assess patient’s toileting needs and proceed as appropriate
  4. Obtain equipment as indicated
  5. Provide privacy
  6. Wash hands and don gloves
  7. Keep the patient in a sitting or lying position with the head of the bed is elevated 45 – 60 degrees to measure all vital signs except those designated otherwise
  8. Follow next nursing action for body temperature measurement with oral temperature (glass and electronic thermometer), rectal temperature, axillary temperature, disposable (chemical strip) thermometer, and tympanic temperature (infrared thermometer)

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