
Administering Eye Medication Disk

Medical Equipments:
  • Medication Administration Record (MAR)
  • Tissue or cotton ball
  • Eye Medication (medication disk)
  • Nonsterile gloves

Nursing Procedures:
  1. Assess the patient and the cart for any allergies
  2. Check the written orders on MAR
  3. Obtains the necessary equipments
  4. Follow the five rights of drug administration
  5. Determine the identification armband
  6. Explain the procedure to the patient and ask if he or she wants to instill his or her own eye drops
  7. Wash hand and don non-sterile gloves
  8. Gently wash the eye if there is crust or drainage along the margins of inner canthus. (always wipe from the innter canthus to the outer and use warm soaks to soften material if necessary)
  9. Position patient in a supine position with the head slightly hyperextented

To Insert Medication Disk:
  • Open sterile package and pres dominant, gloved finger against the oval disk so it lies lengthwise across fingertip
  • Instruct patient to look up
  • With non-dominant hand, gently pull the lower eyelid down and place the disk horizontally in the conjunctival sac. The disk should float on the sclera between the iris and the lower eyelid
  • Pull the lower eyelid out, up and over the disk
  • Instruct patient to blink several times
  • If disk is still visible, repeat the steps
  • When the disk is in place, instruct patient to press his fingers against his closed lid but do not rub eyes or move the disk across the cornea
  • If the disk falls out, rinse it under cool water and reinsert it

To Remove Medication Disk:
  • With non-dominant hand, invert the lower eyelid and identify the disk
  • If the disk is located in the upper eye, instruct patient to close the eye and place your finger on closed eyelid. Apply gentle, long, circular strokes and instruct patient to open the eye. Disk then should be located in the corner of eye. With your fingertip, slide the disk to the lower lid, then proceed
  • With dominant hand, use the forefinger to slide the disk onto the lid and out the patient’s eye
  • Remove gloves and wash hands
  • Record it on the MAR


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